Congratulations Dr. Dawn Martin-Herring!
The members of the Professionalism Program, congratulate you for being recognized by your colleagues as demonstrating exemplary professional behavior. Although you may not have been aware of it at the time it happened, your professionalism has touched others here in Banner and the College of Medicine - Tucson in a very positive way. We are sending this letter in acknowledgement and recognition of your professionalism.
Exemplary, highly professional behavior such as you demonstrated, is a universal goal that we are attempting to achieve for all of our students, housestaff, faculty and employees in the College of Medicine - Tucson and among the BannerHealth hospitals and clinics. Please keep reaching out and touching others as you have done and together we will build a great working environment. You are helping to make this a wonderful place to learn and work and this will ultimately benefit our patients.
Bruce M. Coull, MD
Chair, Professionalism Program College of Medicine - Tucson