The Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship program in Tucson operates out of The University of Arizona Medical Center, University Campus (UAMC) and selected community-based sites.
This six-week course is an introductory experience in the provision of comprehensive medical care and counseling services to elderly, adult and adolescent female patients. The obstetrical conditions and gynecological problems commonly encountered by the physician provide the primary focus for this clerkship experience, but knowledge of serious or less common conditions is also available. Therefore, the basis for the clerkship is to introduce the clinical information thought to be fundamental in the education of all physicians.
The expectation for the third year clerkship in obstetrics and gynecology is that you begin to build the foundation of knowledge and skills that you will need in the area of women's health, regardless of the specialty you decide to enter. It is recognized that in a six-week clerkship with all its activities, mastery of all the goals will be difficult. However, through efficient use of your time and sound planning, along with the preceptoring and teaching you will experience, you will progress on your journey into women's health care.
To find out more information on the OB/GYN Clerkship Educational Objectives, Clerkship Policies, Academic Participation Requirements, Clerkship Grading, and Assessment Forms, please visit our Clerkship Student Manual.
If you have questions regarding our clerkship program, please contact:
Clerkship Co-Director
UA College of Medicine Tucson Campus
(520) 626-7414

Clerkship Co-Director
UA College of Medicine Tucson Campus
(520) 626-7414