Jocelyn Nelms, MS, NEd, RN - National Women's History Month Speaker Series

UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion presents:

National Women's History Month Speaker Series

Jocelyn Nelms, MS, NEd, RN

Professor, Masters Entry to the Profession of Nursing (MEPN) Program at the University of Arizona Phoenix Biomedical Campus
Topic: Women: Connecting to our past and Celebrating our Future
Ms. Nelms is an alumnus and faculty member for the University of Arizona College of Nursing. She has been a nurse for over 20 years and a nurse educator for over 13 years. Ms. Nelms achieved her Masters of Science degree in Nursing with an emphasis in Nursing Education in 2009. Since then, Ms. Nelms has become well-known for her passion for patient education and teaching the next generation of nurses - including classroom, simulation, skills labs and clinical practicum. She has presented at local, national, and international conferences in Nursing and simulation education. She serves as course chair as well as committee chairs and is a member of the Arizona Simulation Network and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
Ms. Nelms has received the Daisy Faculty Award for Nurse Educators, Outstanding Faculty of the Year,  the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and was a 2018 nominee for the Athena Valley of the Sun ‘Honoring Athena Inspired Leaders’ (HAIL) Award for the for the Leadership Principle: Building Relationships.
Ms. Nelms’ current interests include: educating patients, families, and co-workers on how to promote balanced lifestyles as well as fostering healthy, collaborative work and educational environments. Inspired by her passions, Jocelyn pursues continuing education to further her impact and outcome of her goals. Jocelyn was selected for the 2018-2019 Integrative Nursing Faculty Fellowship cohort where she seeks to elevate the health of underserved and economically challenged populations. She further encourages her fellow educators to bring integrative modalities and clinical learning scenarios into the classroom settings as part of her inclusive efforts to reduce stress and improve relevancy as well as retention of core concepts.
Food provided! Please RSVP at
This event will be livestreamed and recorded. You may watch at
Questions? Please contact UAHS ODI at 520-621-5531 or
Event Date: 
Thursday, 21 March 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Event Location: 

UA College of Medicine-Tucson, Room 2117