‘Health Data Science Power Hour’ with Data Ambassador Samir Zaim

FREE Data Drop-in Clinic for the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T) sponsored by the UA Office of Research, Discovery and Innovation’s Data Science Institute, UA Health Sciences Center for Biomedical Informatics & Biostatistics, the UAHS Statistics Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP):

“Health Data Science Power Hour”

1st & 3rd Mondays of the Month
1 -2 pm | BSRL 153

Upcoming Dates:
Oct. 21st | Nov. 4th | Nov. 18th | Dec. 2nd | Dec. 16th

Are you a healthcare professional with data science needs or questions?

Samir Rachid Zaim, COM-T Data Science Ambassador and a fourth-year PhD candidate in Statistics & Data Science GIDP as well as a graduate research assistant for the UA Health Sciences Center for Biomedical Informatics & Biostatistics and the Lussier Group, will be available on the first and third Mondays of each month to help you with your data science needs.

Bring your data science questions/concerns to these one-hour drop-in sessions!

Questions? Contact Samir Rachid Zaim — samirrachidzaim@email.arizona.edu

Flyer for this event (please post and share with colleagues):
 HDS Power Hour Flyer.pdf

To request any disability-related accommodations for this event please contact the event coordinator at least three business days prior to the event.

Event Date: 
Monday, 21 October 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Event Location: 

Biosciences Research Laboratory (BSRL), Room 153
University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus
1230 N. Cherry Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
(Google Maps!)

Event Coordinator: 
Colleen Kenost | Director, Strategic Operations, UAHS Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics
(520) 626-3968
Event Contact Department: 
UAHS Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics