Collaborative Cancer Grand Rounds with Penn's Dr. Celeste Simon

This presentation is hosted by the University of Arizona Cancer Center...

TOPIC: “Hypoxia, Metabolism, and Tumor Progression”
PRESENTER: M. Celeste Simon, PhD
Scientific Director and Investigator, Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute; Associate Director-Shared Resources, Abramson Cancer Center; and the Arthur H. Rubenstein, MBBCh Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia

Friday, May 10, 2019
Noon-1 p.m.
Kiewit Auditorium, University of Arizona Cancer Center

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Afterward, you’ll find this and other lectures in this grand round series archived at this link.

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About the Speaker:
M. Celeste Simon, PhD, is the Scientific Director of the Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute (AFCRI) of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her bachelor's degree from Miami Univ. and completed a PhD in biochemistry at Rockefeller Univ. in 1985. She conducted postdoctoral research with Joseph Nevins at Rockefeller and then Stuart Orkin at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Simon became an Asst. Professor of Medicine/Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at the Univ. of Chicago in 1992. In its first National Competition, she was named an Asst. Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in 1994, remaining an HHMI investigator for 20 years, until August 2014. 

In 1999, Dr. Simon moved to the University of Penn School of Medicine and was one of the founding laboratories of the newly formed AFCRI there. She was promoted to Assoc. Professor of Cell and Developmental biology in 1999, and full Professor in 2006. In 2007, she became the Scientific Director of the AFCRI. Dr. Simon's research is focused on how cells sense and respond to changes in the availability of molecular oxygen and nutrients.

More information about her research here:

Contact: Melynda Noble, Coordinator, Projects and Events, UA Cancer Center, (520) 626-4413,

Event Date: 
Friday, 10 May 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Event Location: 

University of Arizona Cancer Center, Kiewit Auditorium
Eugene F. Levy Building
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724

Event Coordinator: 
Melynda Noble, Coordinator, Projects and Events
(520) 626-4413
Event Contact Department: 
UA Cancer Center